Sunday, 5 February 2012


Based on statement by George (in Asmah Haji Omar, 1978), he states that

“ The reality of present day Malaysia indicates that English is just a subject in the classroom. With a maximum of four hours a week of English Language class, it is impossible to teach the student to acquire communicative competence. This problem is compounded by the fact that communicative competence in the language will fall into disuse the moment the make believe classroom situation end at the completion of the allocated hour. In the end, nothing is achieved for any single skill

This statement was made in 1978.

It was relevant then and continued to be relevant in the 90’s.

Is it still relevant in the new millineum?

A fool is a person who does the same thing over and over again hoping for new results!


Friends, this is the English version of our Malay Bangau Oh Bangau ....

The college professor who said,
Such wrong in the student is a shame,
Lack of preparation in high school is to blame.

Said the high school teacher,
Good heaven, the boy is a fool,
The fault is of course with the middle school.

The middle school teacher said,
From such stupidity may I be spared,
They send him to me so unprepared.

The primary school teacher said,
The kinder gardens are blockheads all,
They call it preparation,
Why it’s worse than none at all.

The kinder garden teacher said,
Such lack of training never did I see,
What kind of mother must that woman be.

The mother said,
Poor helpless child, he’s not to blame,
For you see, his father’s folks are all the same.

Said the father at the end of the line,
I doubt the rascal is even mine!